• 641-812 Section : 01


Course Detail
  • Semester 1/2567
  • Campus Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus
  • Faculty / Institution Faculty of Nursing
  • Course Status Open Enroll
  • Credit 3 ((3)-0-6)
  • Group of Students ผู้เรียนทั่วไป
  • Number of Seats 0 / 5
  • Enroll Fee (Baht) 23,000 / 11,600
  • Other cost
  • Schedule (GMT+7)
    Days Time Room
    จันทร์ (Monday) 13:00 - 16:00
Course Description

Concepts of diseases’ occurrence, causes and pathophysiology, abnormal genetics, pathophysiological changes in each system of reproductive women, women during childbearing periods, fetuses and newborns, signs and symptoms, principles and pharmacotherapies for clients with deviation and complex health conditions

Learning Outcome

  • Analyze deeply nursing knowledge development
  • Critique deeply nursing knowledge development
  • Develop nursing knowledge
  • Present the analysis and development of nursing knowledge by using appropriate technologies
  • Illustrate ethical behaviors in academic writing