• 641-921 Section : 01


Course Detail
  • Semester 1/2567
  • Campus Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus
  • Faculty / Institution Faculty of Nursing
  • Course Status Open Enroll
  • Credit 2 (0-2-4)
  • Group of Students ผู็เรียนทั่วไป
  • Number of Seats 0 / 5
  • Enroll Fee (Baht) 5,200 / 10,400
  • Other cost
  • Schedule (GMT+7)
    Days Time Room
    อังคาร (Tuesday) 09:00 - 12:00
Course Description

Self-directed to study and comprehensively synthesize knowledge from nursing and allied health on a topic related to thesis using systematic review under supervision of advisor

Learning Outcome

  • Analyse evidences and knowledge on selected issues
  • Synthesize body of knowledge on selected issues
  • Present an independent study on selected issues
  • Demonstrate academic integrity by citing people or sources of information used in academic works
  • Make an independent learning plan